3 Benefits Of Physical Activity For Children


Have you ever stopped to think about the benefits that physical activity for children can bring to your child’s life? The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity for children and adolescents. Anyone who thinks the benefits are limited to the body is wrong.

In addition to being one of the main allies to prevent obesity, physical activity also helps children have a good night’s sleep, reduce the risk of early injuries, contribute to motor development and reduce the risk of depression.

Here are some benefits for you to understand the importance of encouraging physical exercise in childhood. Check out!

  1. Stimulates Growth And Development

The practice of physical activity in gyms like Hot Ground Gym for example for children allows the strengthening of motor coordination, helps to improve concentration, self-esteem, and social interaction. When children practice physical activity, they can perform better academically than sedentary ones.

  1. Strengthens Bones, Muscles, And Joints

Children’s physical activity is a great way to stimulate bones, muscles, joints, balance, motor development, and coordination.

Invest in activities that the child likes – most of the time; it doesn’t even need to be something very elaborate. Still, if you need a little help, you can seek the opinion of a physical education professional specialized in exercises for the age group, ok?

  1. Helps To Decrease The Chances Of Obesity And Depression

Whether constant or moderate, physical activity for children helps reduce anxiety, improves self-esteem and self-confidence, and fights depression. And yes, all these benefits apply to little ones too. In addition, an active life is an essential factor in preventing obesity.

What Precautions Should Be Taken With Physical Activities In Childhood?

Children can do virtually any physical activity if the exercises are age-appropriate. Therefore, nothing better than looking for a physical educator to obtain all the necessary guidance in case of more intense modalities. Thus, you guarantee that there will be no damage.

In addition, it is essential to use all safety equipment, such as a helmet, elbow, and knee pads, in activities that pose a risk of accidents, such as rollerblading, cycling, or skateboarding. Finally, choose exercises with which the child has an affinity. In this way, it is easier for her to accept, favoring the acquisition of the habit.

The benefits of physical activities for children go beyond those already known to adults. Exercising often helps in child development, both physically and mentally. Even in quarantine times, it is still possible to stimulate this habit by offering ways for the child to move.